As for my experience of Pibella Feminine Urination Device, I find it very useful in the mountains : I wear a harness that can’t be taken off for security reasons and I’m roped up with other people (which prevents me from privacy).
Before having a Pibella, I used to prevent myself from drinking as much as needed in order to sort out the pee-issue (which is a very very bad solution).
Also I find it easy to use, and I just needed a few trials at home before using Pibella when mountaineering.
In addition of the usefulness of a Pibella, I’m kind of proud to pee standing like guys and find it funny to get some original pictures of it : so I will probably send you more pictures in a near future !
Feel free to publish my Pibella picture if you want!
Pibella is the best Female Urination device
Note: More infos about Pibella Feminine Urination Device with harness you will find at Pibella Travel