“Because of an accident I was confined to hospitals and bed for several months. Besides all pains and worries, the use of the bedpan was extremely stressful and very uncomfortable.
I was fortunate to experiment with Pibella and it was a big relief for me.
With Pibella I was immediately more independent and as a woman felt much better.
In my normal job, as Care Station Manager in a home for elderly, I probably would not have given Pibella a second glance, because until I had to use the bedpan myself I would never have thought what an uncomfortable and stressful thing this is to my own patients.
One night, while I was using Pibella with great ease, I suddenly realized that I should spread the word to all people who work in Care, to bravely offer Pibella to their patients.
The first try really needs some sort of bravery, but after that the quality of life of the patients becomes so much better!
Since then I have recommended this product to many other women.
For me the invention of Pibella is a blessing!”
Ruth Egger, 58 years, Patient at Rehab-Clinic, aarReha, Schinznach, Schweiz, 2007
Station manager Care and Home for the Elderly